Growth and income:

The almost simultaneous industrialization of the developing global South and  more developed global North resulted in an international convergence of income.Outsourcing had been characterized by rapid rates of growth and industrialization in the Global South.Conversely the Global North has experienced a moderate  in growth.Patterns of global industrialization and explained by a combination of models in economic geography and economic growth. Models in economic geography that decreasing communication costs reduce the spatial clustering of industrial development. The lower cost to the spread of ideas improved coordination and communication within corporations across greater geographic distances  outsourcing. This process originated roughly after the international chaos of the world Wars as a consequence of advancements in information technology during the . Further adaptations to technological progress, particularly the spread of the internet and liberalization of the telecommunications industry, permitted an acceleration of the movement of ideas and consequently of outsourcing since about the outsourcing .your income dipient with your work.So your works is your income.
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